Massimo Parravano
The Ruins of Cavallaro - Le rovine di Cavallaro
Home Old dry stone houses. From the edge of the
Sahara to the peaks of the Andes back across the Atlantic to Ireland and
up again to the edge of the Arctic circle dry stone buildings are found
wherever stone was and is in plentiful supply. Stone is the oldest
construction material known to mankind.The ruins of the traditional dry
stone houses in Cavallaro, 2000 mt. , a place just under Mount Meta, are
very old and I’m not able to know if they were thatched roof houses.
Were generally constructed as temporary field shelters and storehouses
or as permanent dwellings by shepherds or agricultural labourers : our
ancestors .
resti delle case fatti in pietra a secco di Cavallaro rispecchiano
maggiormente i ricoveri agro–pastorali locali: base squadrata ,
monocamera, eccetera. La loro particolarità è la quota:intorno ai 2000
metri. I vari terrazzamenti ancora quasi visibili sono una blanda
fotografia di luoghi in cui si pascolava e si coltivava.
Massimo Parravano
17 gennaio 2014
