belle foto da Rosalba e
Anna Del
dell'indimenticato amico Giovannino Del Carmine)
Hi Antonio,
I attached four old photos.
1) Car_&_Friends.jpg was taken in 1956-57 of my sister and I
with our friends, before we immigrated to America. We
believe we have all the names correct.
From left to right: Anna Del Carmine, Iole Socci, Vincenza
Gentile, Maria Socci, Anna Casinelli, Rosalba Del Carmine &
Iole Apruzzese.
2)Brigida_DelCarmine_&_Antonietta_Pellicci.jpg is a picture
of our mother Brigida and her cousin Antonietta when they
were 16 years old in 1939.
3) Pasquale_DelCarmine_&_Feliciano_Pellicci.jpg is a picture
of our Uncle Pasquale and Feliciano in WWII.
4) Giovanni_DelCarmine_Italian_Army.jpg is a picture of our
father in WWII.
Rosalba & Anna Del Carmine
Grazie Rosalba e
Anna per il contributo al sito, le vostre foto sono
veramente molto belle. 18 aprile 2011 |
From left to right: Anna Del Carmine, Iole Socci, Vincenza
Gentile, Maria Socci, Anna Casinelli, Rosalba Del Carmine &
Iole Apruzzese. |
Army.jpg is a picture of our
father in WWII. |
Pellicci.jpg is a picture
of our Uncle
Pasquale and Feliciano in WWII. |
Pellicci.jpg is a picture
of our mother
Brigida and her cousin Antonietta
when they
were 16 years old in 1939. |